Share trial results simply, securely, and seamlessly.

Your clinical trial is complete. Now you have ethical and organizational obligations to communicate the results to participants and the public. Until now, this was a cumbersome process. Paper-based workflows slow the publishing process. And on-site summary distribution means many patients never even receive results. changes that. It’s a publicly accessible online portal, the largest of its kind. Hosted by TrialScope, that aggregates clinical trial results summaries from participating sponsors — and presents them in a simple, searchable interface.

One unified database for bringing sponsors
and participants closer together.

The world’s largest source
for plain-language

Trial summaries
available in 10 different

Subscription for
alert emails when results
are published

Automated data entry through integration with the TrialScope Disclose™ platform

Engage the patient community

Along with being able to easily search for trials and their results, patients can subscribe to receive email notifications when results are published, and read translated results summaries in their native language. It’s a powerful bridge between your research and the patient community — and shows trial participants you value their time and effort.

Publish in the right context is unbiased, purely informational, and non-promotional — without the commercial branding of a company-sponsored website. You can publicize findings with full confidence that you’re within regulatory protocols and communicating trial results in a compliant, ethical way. And if you need assistance writing plain-language summaries (PLS), we provide authoring services as well.

Modernize your publishing process

Sharing your study summaries on is 100% electronic. No more manual paper processes or printing and distributing summaries at on-site locations. Everything is digital, trackable, secure, and simple — just how you, your patients and your sites want it to be.

Simplify how you share trial results.

Get in touch with us to learn more about publishing on